Wednesday, September 2, 2009


What better way to launch Witch Party: The Blog, than to offer our humble guide to The Fool-- the first card of the Major Arcana in the Tarot, which consists of seventy-eight cards total, and which by the way, is one of the most ancient modes of divination on this here planet Earth! Some say The Fool is actually the last card in the deck, but whether first or last, The Fool points to a brand new way of being or mode of life and the very beginning of a journey or new project-- um, hello Witch Party...

The Egyptians, who invented the Tarot, saw The Fool as humanity-- the bewildered, non-perceptive "slaves of matter", taking our mistakes with us, heading for new mistakes. Traditional representations of The Fool depict a young man on the start of a journey, happily whistling along, heedless of the enormous precipice over which he is about to fall.

Now, before we alarm ourselves, let's consider our human condition. Are we not on a great journey into the unknown? And haven't we all at some point in our lives experienced new beginnings? Whether within the realm of our families, careers, relationships, or other areas of our lives, new beginnings are many times accompanied by uncertainty, unstable curiosity, ignorance, and most importantly, innocence. The message I see is to go gentle on ourselves as we integrate new ideas and skills, to remain open, and to expect clarity only after a few leaps of faith.

So, welcome to Witch Party's first birthday party! Here's to our mistakes, and to the learning from our mistakes... Here's to our expansion and our learning from our expansion... And here's to our traveling and our fellow travelers-- may our journeys be chock full of new ideas and new ways of looking at our worlds, and at the very least, interesting and fun!

Next week... The Magician!

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