Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wish Technology.

The other day I was looking at a book of Raymond Pettibon's artwork and I saw this one that was just a box and in it it said
" I see them complete, color, texture. everything." So rad and inspiring to be reminded that we can just be a channel for awesome creation, that if we can imagine something, want something, we can have anything. Some people may argue this and I think its because they aren't really clear on what they want. They don't look deep enough or don't listen to their emotions enough and when they don't wake up with a shit ton of cash in the bank they get all bummed. Get specific, and get honest with yourself.
I want to share a spell I do for "wishes" I guess would be the best word. You don't need anything to do it if you memorize it but I still like to write it out cause it helps me think.

The first thing you do is wish for something.

The second thing you do is say why you want the thing you are wishing for. This is very important because it will clarify what you really want. Like if you wish for money and then you start figuring out what you want money for you might realize its not the money its the vacation or the new shoes or the house. It might even be emotional like you want to feel more stable or calm.

Then think or write down what the wish will achieve. Such as if you wish for a vacation you might say it would help me relax, it would inspire me, it would give me some solitude or maybe quality time with someone.

Then restate the wish with more accuracy. In this situation instead of money I would say "I wish for new shoes with good style and dry feet!" or " I wish for a vacation so I can travel somewhere inspirational!"

The fifth thing ya do is think or write down all the things you will do as this person with airplane tickets or new clothes or emotional freedom. Example- I am gonna fly to Indonesia and eat pancakes on the river and sit with the monkeys and get rad.

Now restate your wish with intention. "I have new shoes!"

Then and most importantly feel the gratitude as if those shoes were already on your feet. As if you were stepping off the plane in your favorite city. Be stoked!

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